April 10, 2023
The Annual Meeting of the members of the Craig-Botetourt Electric Cooperative will be held at the Cooperative Office Facilities in New Castle, Virginia, on June 3rd, 2023, at 7 p.m. for the following purposes.
1. Election of two directors;
2. Recap of 2022 operations and financial activities of the Cooperative; and
3. Such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
The nominating committee has nominated the following nominees for directors for ensuing years:
District No. 2 Craig and Roanoke Counties
J.C. Winstead -150 Big Mountain Road
New Castle, VA 24127- 3 Years
District No. 3 Botetourt and Montgomery Counties
James E. Huffman - 4018 Breckinridge Road
Fincastle, VA 24090- 3 Years
Additional nominees, if any, may be made by members from the floor during the meeting.
Food will be provided by Mike's Dog House.